Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
Each service varies slightly to reflect community need; see the specific OSHC's webpage for centres specific hours. Before School Care Programs operate until the first school bell. Our After School Care programs start at the end of the school day and close between 6:00pm and 6:30pm, depending upon each school's requirements.
Yes. We offer a healthy nutritious breakfast and afternoon tea based on the five food groups and always including seasonal fruit. During Vacation Care, families and carers should send food and drink for morning tea and lunch. Please note that we are an “allergy aware” service provider.
YMCA educators will endeavour to provide assistance and support to any child with additional dietary requirements. Families and carers must inform Educators upon enrolment about such requirements and provide all necessary information with the enrolment form.
Your child will be collected by an educator on the first day, we then set up a buddy system to help your child settle into OSHC.
If your child hasn’t arrived at OSHC, we will make inquiries with the school and yourself to make sure your child is safe. We ask that you notify us of any absences as soon as possible.
We will set up a Buddy system for new children to give a sense of security and make friends.
A quiet space can be provided to encourage children to do their homework, Educators can support children but are unable to offer them individual help as they need to supervise all the children. Educators will not force or make homework time compulsory for any child as the main focus of the program is recreation / leisure in a safe, fun and supervised environment.
Parents using the Home App can authorise contacts for emergencies, collection (also currently known as Hub Guests), medical, excursion and transportation from the pre-existing ‘Hub Guests’ tab in the app.

Enrolments & Bookings
Before your child attends any OSHC session you must enrol your child.
The quickest and easiest way to do this is through our online enrolment form, located on the OSHC location homepage, under Service Enrolment.
Alternatively, you can contact our OSHC Support Team (8200 2516).
The quickest and easiest way to make a booking is through the Xplor App.
Alternatively, you can contact our OSHC Support Team (8200 2516)
The Customer Support Team are available Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm. You can leave a message or send an email at any time, or contact your Centre Director before and after these times.
OSHC Support Team
(08) 8200 2516
No. However, if there are any updates to your contact information, emergency contacts, account details or your child’s health, we need to know about it as soon as possible. You will be forwarded an annual reminder to let us know if there are any changes to your booking for the following year. The usual cancellation periods apply.
Yes, upon enrolment, you will provide us with your Customer Reference numbers, for both yourself and your child. You must also ensure that your child is registered at Centrelink for Child Care Subsidy. Once we let you know, you will need to go into the MyGov website to accept YMCA as your service provider.
We will submit your usage weekly, Centrelink will pay what you’re entitled to and you are responsible for the Gap fee. You will see this clearly marked on your statement.
You can book into care at any time up until the start of the session. Utilise the Xplor App, or alternatively, call the OSHC Support Team. If your child is not aware that they will be attending After School Care, please also contact the school office and ask them to let your child, and their teacher know. It will show on Xplor if no spaces are available.
If your child has a medical condition such as asthma or anaphylaxis you need to speak to the Service Director. You will need to provide a medical management plan signed by your child’s doctor. The Director will create a risk minimisation plan with you based on your child’s medical management plan that identifies and reduces risks to your child’s health while attending a program.
YMCA OSHC will work with you to find a solution to meet your needs. Each partner who has a separate financial responsibility for the child (or children) will require their own account/enrolment.
It is also important to note that YMCA Children’s Programs has strict requirements around signing children in and out of a service. Specifically authorised adults are only permitted to leave with their child if safety, parental wishes, and custody requirements are adhered to.
To ensure your child's care is appropriately managed, we will require a copy of any applicable Court Orders, parenting orders or parenting plans. We will review the information and the documents will be attached to the child's records. All information is treated confidentially and with sensitivity.
If there are any changes, we ask that you notify us promptly. Where a court order, parenting order or parenting plan has been provided, we will ensure all necessary educators are aware the orders are in place. If an attempt is made to breach orders, the parent/guardian with custody entitlements will be contacted immediately. The police will also be called.
Costs, Payments and Statements
YMCA OSHC provides session-based care across all programs. The fee is set with the total duration of each session considered.
Each service is unique and the fees reflect the needs of the local community. Information on your specific Centre can be found on their webpage. Still have a query? Call our OSHC Support Team on 8200 2516.
All YMCA Children’s Programs are eligible for the Child Care Subsidy. These reduce the cost of child care and are available to a lot parents. Call the Family Assistance Office on 13 61 50 to find out more.
Hat fee - we charge $15 for a YMCA labelled hat for your child to use at the service to ensure sun safety and increased visibility for supervision.
Late Fee - if you are late picking up your child we charge $15 per 15 minute increments after the service specified closing time.
Non-notification fee - a $10 Non-notification fee is charge if a child fails to turn up at the meeting point or at the service and a staff member is required to locate the child.
Short Notice Fee - Booking well in advance helps us to staff accordingly. To encourage bookings in advance a small surcharge of $3 is added to bookings made on short notice. The Short Notice Fee is added to Before/After School Care bookings made within 48 hours prior to the service being delivered. The surcharge is applied to Vacation Care bookings made within 2 weeks of the start of the Vacation Care program.
Direct Debit - All bookings are set up for auto payment on direct debit from a bank account or credit card. Paying by credit card incurs a 1.70% surcharge.
All enrolments include information about your preferred account for direct debit payments. Account payments are processed by direct debit weekly, unless you make alternate arrangements.
Regardless of these arrangements, direct debit information is required prior to the commencement of care.
Fees are charged one week in advance and care may not be provided if the fees are not received prior to care.
Your statement is always available via Xplor Home in real time or you can email us and ask for it to be sent each Monday.
You will receive a Vacation Care program and Booking Form in Week 6 each term.
We ask all fees for Vacation Care to be paid prior to use. You can arrange to pay upfront or in a payment plan in the weeks prior to Vac Care.
Changes will be accepted up until 2 weeks prior to the beginning of Vacation Care with no charge.
Before/After School Care: Cancellations received up to 48 hours prior to care receive a full refund. Cancellation received with less than 48 hours are charged full fee.
Vacation Care: Cancellations made greater than 2 weeks prior to the session date will receive a full refund. Cancellations made within 2 weeks of the session date are charged full fee.
*No fees will be charged if a medical certificate is provided within 5 business days of the missed service.