YMCA SA photo release

By signing this form, you agree that:

  1. The Young Men's Christian Association of South Australia Inc. or YMCA South Australia Youth and Family Services Inc. (collectively, ‘YMCA South Australia’) may use audio recording, video images, and/or photographs of me, or other information about me (‘Content’) in any of its publications or materials for any lawful purpose (including but not limited to promotion and marketing, reporting, public relations, and fundraising).
  1. The Content may be used in various media formats, including online media, social media, print, video, multimedia, public displays, television and electronic means of communication, and in any edited form.
  1. I will waive any rights and claims, present and future, to any fees or royalties or other benefits whatsoever for or in connection with the use of the Content. For the avoidance of doubt, I agree that I will receive no payment for the use or recording of the Content by YMCA South Australia.
  1. I release YMCA South Australia from any loss, damage, cost, expense, or claim arising out of the use of the Content, including any action for defamation, libellous material, breach of privacy, or copyright.
  1. If I wish to withdraw permission for the Content to be used, I must so inform YMCA South Australia in writing. I understand that if I so withdraw consent for the Content to be used, YMCA South Australia will cease any future new publication or use of the Content, but for several years the Content may appear in printed and electronic material which has already been produced or disseminated.

Note: If you are under 18 years of age, this form must be signed with the signature of your parent/guardian.

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If signing for someone under the age of 18
If signing for someone under the age of 18
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